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Trigger Warning: If you are offended, then I am offended that you are offended at me taking offense.

America’s most evil person, a straight, white, Christian male in America. Army Veteran who will honor my oath to protect and defend America and all its Citizens from both foreign and domestic terrorists. Former Disinformation Analyst. The Legacy Media outlets number two enemy, right behind the legendary James O’Keefe. A proud thorn in the side of the NWO.

“If anyone thinks that someone doesn’t belong somewhere because of the color of their skin, then fuck you” -Saint Mesus

Community Guidelines

Please respect the following community guidelines to maintain an enjoyable environment:

  • No matter your beliefs all views and opinions are welcome here. In fact, they are encouraged, so we can all learn something new.
  • Those who get their feelings hurt should avoid this community. This community will contain open discussions from any side of the aisle that wishes to take part. That includes many facts, facts that some may view as offensive. If you are offended by facts I recommend you look elsewhere.
  • If you are offended, then I am offended that you are offended at me taking offense.
  • Don’t try and prove your point or side of the argument without providing proof to back it up. The posting of false information will result in the termination of this community.
  • Keep conversations respectful, without personal attacks. Remember to prove your point without name-calling. Soon as you bring in name-calling it shows you have no defense. However, name-calling with a proper defense is always enjoyed.
  • Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be. That means don’t harass people. I will block you from posting.
  • No pornography, shouldn’t need to be said.
  • Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming
  • Relax, be yourself, and enjoy. <—– Very Important :)

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